10 Minute Daily Routine Workout (No Equipment)


Welcome to this 10-minute daily routine workout that is designed to help you get fit, burn fat, build muscle, increase your mobility, and have some fun! This workout is a mixture of cardio, strength, and mobility exercises that will make you feel good and energized. Join me in this beautiful view as we start our day with this amazing workout. Are you ready? Let's get started!

Workout Overview

This workout consists of 10 exercises, each lasting for 30 seconds, and we will be doing two rounds of all the exercises. There is no rest period between exercises, but if you need to take a breather at any point, feel free to take a few seconds and then continue. Remember to listen to your body and modify the exercises as needed. Let's dive into the workout!

Exercise 1: Running on the Spot

  • Stand in place and start running, lifting your knees up towards your chest.

  • Relax your shoulders and take nice deep breaths.

  • If running is too intense, you can march in place instead.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Sit down into a squat by bending your knees and lowering your hips.

  • Keep your chest up and engage your core.

  • Stand back up to the starting position.

  • You can choose to perform the squats at a slower pace or increase the speed.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 3: Push-up

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart.

  • Lower your body towards the floor, bending your elbows and keeping them close to your body.

  • Push back up to the starting position, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

  • If needed, you can drop your knees to modify the exercise.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 4: Lunge

  • Step forward with one leg and lower your body into a lunge position.

  • Push back with your front leg to return to the starting position.

  • Alternate legs and repeat the movement.

  • If it's difficult to touch your back knee to the ground, you can go halfway down.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 5: Back Roll

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Bring your knees up above your head and roll up, working on your spine.

  • Roll comfortably, vertebrae by vertebrae, and avoid any big gaps in your lower back.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 6: W Raise

  • Lie on your belly with your arms in a W position.

  • Lift your upper body, squeezing your back muscles, and then release back down.

  • This exercise works on the extension through your spine and activates your back muscles.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 7: High Plank Rotation

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.

  • Rotate your body to one side, reaching your arm up towards the ceiling.

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you extend your arm up.

  • Keep your core engaged and your hips up high.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 8: Leg Raise

  • Lie on your back with your legs extended towards the ceiling.

  • Slowly lower your legs towards the floor and then lift them back up.

  • Engage your core and keep your lower back fixed to the floor.

  • If it's too challenging, you can bend your knees instead.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 9: Burpee

  • Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart.

  • Lower your hands to the floor and jump your feet back into a plank position.

  • Lower your body to the floor, then push up and jump your feet back towards your hands.

  • Jump up explosively or stand up to complete one repetition.

  • This exercise works your entire body and provides a great cardiovascular workout.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.

Exercise 10: Horse Dance Punch

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart in a squat position.

  • Alternate punching your arms out in front of you, one arm at a time.

  • Stay low in the squat position and be explosive with your punches.

  • This exercise targets your lower body strength, mobility, and flexibility.

  • Duration: 30 seconds.


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