Albie Went From A Refugee To A Professional Fighter And Fitness Model

Albert Aldahawi has become an icon of overcoming and motivation for many. He overcame many struggles to become the renowned professional and enterprising fighter.

Albert, known as Albie, was born in Jordan. His family had to flee the country when he was only six years old, due to the war against Christians. Albie and his family fled to Australia, a new country, a new culture and a new language.

Lover of sports, such as wrestling, Albie started posting videos on YouTube fighting her younger brother. This video accumulated more than 20 million views and this opened new doors for him.

Albie made his debut in the Australian Wrestling Federation (AWF) in 2014. In addition to his growth as a wrestler, Albie also began to grow as a fitness model, working for major international brands.

In addition to his career as a wrestling athlete and fitness model, Albie also became a successful entrepreneur. How did he get all this? Never giving up on yourself, believing that everything is possible and achievable, is that we should never take into account the criticism of other people, no matter how evil they may be.


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