John Krasinski tried to be Captain America, but did not get the role

The Marvel Cinematic Universe could look a little different. John Krasinski recalls his story from when he tried to play the role of Captain America. At the time Marvel was still building its 'Avengers' programming for the first time.

On The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the actor remembered that day when Chris Hemsworth, Marvel's current 'Thor', gave him a help for this role.

"They were like, let's see who else is out there before offering it to Chris Evans," he said. "And I went in and tested for Captain America. I had to wear the suit, which was a lot of fun. This is a true story. So I was wearing the suit. And the guy was like, this is really important, and I said yes! And I was wearing the suit, and I was halfway there, not wearing any other clothes than this... and at that moment, Chris Hemsworth passed by, and he was like, you look good, friend. And I was like, no. Do you want to know? It's okay. We don't need to do that... He was, like, robbed. He's like, you'll look great in a suit, and I was like, don't make fun of me, Hemsworth! And then I just left right there."

"I acted with my heart that day, but it didn't work out." The role of Captain America was eventually handed over to Chris Evans, who still holds the shield of the Marvel hero.


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