Celebrity coach Alex Carneiro leaves 3 tips he learned over his 35 years

Alex Carneiro is only by himself an authentic US celebrity. The coach is often invited to programs on health and well-being, in addition to being the personal trainer of some of the greatest stars in Hollywood.

Now, when celebrating his 35 years of life, Alex Carneiro leaves three important tips for the lives of all people:

  1. “Health is more than just numbers you get back from your doctor; it’s a lifestyle you must adopt like anything else you want to see results from. It’s a state of mind, spirit and body that’s a large equation in which you must have all components for that equation to work”

  2. “Have very little to no expectation from others. Just because you do something your way don’t ever expect others to think or do the same as you”

  3. “You’ll lose friends and make new ones. Don’t try to understand why you lose some. But the ones you want close to you at all times are those that ask you often “how are you?” They won’t care what you do, how much you make or what benefits of association they get, they honestly just care about YOU. If you’re lucky to get one you’re golden”


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