Chris Hemsworth's double says it's impossible to stay with the Australian actor's enviable physique

Bobby Holland Hanton is a double face and body professional. He entered films such as The Avengers, James Bond, Mission Impossible and Star Wars and played the double of Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Christian Bale and, of course, Chris Hemsworth. The double did everything to try to get closer to the physique of the great Hollywood stars, but playing Thor's double was very difficult.

"I've always had to work twice hard. I have to use 2-inch elevators on my shoes to get close to his height. And I train like a crazy man to get close to his physicality," Hanton told the Ice 36 website.

"I never thought in my life that I would be tired of food and not want to eat food, because I love food, but I hated it." Hanton said. "In the end, I was trying to give food that I should eat because I just didn't want to eat it. It would almost make you feel sick because you've never been hungry, ever," he said. Becoming Thor involved two strenuous daily exercises and ten impressive meals a day.

"I would cook two chicken breasts and leave them on the side of the kitchen," he said. "When I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I ate the chicken and then went back to sleep," revealed the actor, who barely had time to be able to eat so many meals. The results did not wait: "It made me work harder, made him work harder and we both got into the best physical form we've ever been in."

"If he wasn't such a great actor, he would be one of the best stuntmen," he said. "He kicks, he surfs, he's physically very good. And when I teach him a fighting scene that I learned from the fighting team, he catches it so quickly."

Despite being extremely professional and being accustomed to these great efforts for the great roles of Hollywood, the mistakes happen and the accidents too: "I had a major back surgery in early 2019. I have two titanium discs on the lower back. And last year I had a neck surgery,” he said. "I broke my knee, broke my ankle, my shoulder, had broken fingers and broken fingers. But those in the big scheme of things are not so crazy."

Despite all this, the double says he will always be willing to go further to try to represent Chris Hemsworth to the fullest.


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