The Liver King spends thousands of dollars a month on steroids to be a "primitive man"

Liver King has accumulated more than 1.7 million followers on Instagram. At the age of 44, Johnson has a totally toned and impressive body. It was not his ancestral liver diet that provided him with this enviable physique, but the thousands of dollars he spends every month on steroids.

This story came to the public through a complaint from a fellow bodybuilder, who revealed emails exchanged between them. Liver King is accused of taking steroids and will have spent more than ten thousand dollars to sculpt the body faster. All this was published on YouTube.

Confronted by Rolling Stone, the Texan never confirmed or denied these complaints that came to the public, which by itself, already means something. A nutritionist heard by BuzzFeed says that the consumption of raw liver is harmful to health: "The pesticides and hormones given to animals tend to accumulate in the liver" and that "this diet may increase the risk of heart disease, as well as various types of cancer because of the high content of saturated fat."


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