Lou Ferrigno's training to be the Incredible Hulk

In the world of bodybuilding, the name Lou Ferrigno is known to everyone. He is a famous American bodybuilder. He is also renowned in the world of cinema for his performances in the role of Hulk.

At the age of 3, it was established that he was 80% deaf. This made his childhood difficult, because the other children made fun of him when he wore his hearing aid. To be able to compensate for his disability, Lou Ferrigno turned a little more into the world of comics. He loved the stories of superheroes. Hulk was his favorite character.

In addition to bodybuilding, he entered the world of cinema in 1977. He played the role of Hulk in the television series "The Incredible Hulk".

Having a difficult childhood because of his deafness, Lou Ferrigno began training at the age of 13. Thanks to his efforts and training, he has won several competitions. His first triumph is Mr. America in 1971. Then he got the title, Mr. Universe in 1973. At 21, he is the youngest competition champion to have this stature to date. In 1974, Lou Ferrigno appeared for the first time in the competition, Mr. Olympia. He came 2nd behind Arnold Schwarzenegger. A year later, he was in 3rd place again after Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Be aware that the bodybuilders of the 1970s did not always practice rest. For them, philosophy is "more, the better". For Hulk, training was 6 times a week. He took his day of rest on Sunday. Here's how his exercises are divided.

The training

Day 1: pectoral and back

To develop his pectoral and back, Lou Ferrigno performs various exercises. It begins with 5 series of 6 to 8 repetitions of bench press, inclined developed and pull over. He continues with 5 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions of traction at the fixed bar. He also performs T-bar rowing exercises, earth lifting, vertical and horizontal draws, rowings to dumbbells. There are always 5 series with 6 to 8 repetitions.

Day 2: Shoulders and arms

To have an impressive stature like Hulk, you can be inspired by his training and exercises. To obtain enlarged shoulders and muscular arms, he performs alternating curl, alternating curl on an inclined bench, concentrated curl and curl at the desk. It performs lateral elevations, bird and frontal elevations. He also makes Arnold developed, military developed in front, behind the neck and also with dumbbells. He also does not forget the triceps with high pulley extensions, rope and bar at the forehead, but also kickback at dumbbells and dips. The series range from 4 to 5 times with 6 to 8 repetitions.

Day 3: Legs

For the legs, Lou Ferrigno's exercises are 5 series of thigh press, hack squat, squat bar behind but also squat in front, leg extension and leg curl and earth lifting stretched legs. The repetitions are 10 per series.

Day 4: back and pectoral

For Thursday, Lou Ferrigno resumes back and pectoral development exercises. He does T-bar rowing, rowing, fixed bar traction just like for the 1st day. For each exercise, he continues to do 5 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions.

Day 5: shoulders and arms

On Friday, Hulk redoes the exercises with the shoulders and arms. It performs concentrated, alternating and alternating curl inclined as well as straight bar curl. He then takes over Arnold developed as well as high pulleys for triceps, rope triceps extensions and others. For 4 to 5 series, it does 8 to 10 repetitions.

Day 6: Legs

The leg exercises are the same as for Wednesday. It makes 5 sets of 10 repetitions of squat, leg extension and leg curl, thigh press and others.

Day 7: Rest

After 6 consecutive days of training, Lou Ferrigno rests on the 7th day. A good nap and a good diet are waiting for you.

Even if Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger are competitors in various competitions, they know each other very well in real life. They train together in the gym. Moreover, the two do not plan to stop bodybuilding or their friendship.

The diet

In order to maintain his muscle mass, he follows a good ultra-calorie and protein diet. Indeed, it feeds every 2 to 3 hours. He stops before his stomach is too full and eats again without waiting to be hungry.

He eats 6 times a day. For the first meal, he enjoys a toast, a fruit, an omelette with 5 eggs and one or two cups of whole milk. For the second meal, he eats 85 g of nuts, two cheese or meat sandwiches on whole wheat bread with two cups of whole milk. For the next meal, he takes a tuna salad, a fruit, yogurt and 2 cups of whole milk.

For the pre-training meal, he drinks a protein shake, 470 ml of whole milk, 80 ml of egg and milk protein. All this is accompanied by a fruit. For the 5th meal, he eats a steak, vegetables, an baked potato and 2 cups of whole milk. To close the day, he takes 85 g of raw sunflower seeds, 85 g of hard cheese, accompanied by two cups of whole milk.

According to Lou Ferrigno's advice, the last meal of the day must be swallowed as close as possible to bedtime. This promotes the recovery and construction of muscle fibers.


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