RFK Jr. Show His Good Physical Shape Before The Debate With The US President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is dedicated to maintaining a good physical and mental shape, where he demonstrates that physical activity is an important part of his daily routine.

American environmental lawyer and activist, who stands out for the Defence of environmental causes and social justice, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is known for his commitment to health and well-being, being a supporter of the regular practice of physical exercise.

“As President, I will restore America as the global example of health & well-being. Not through pills or syringes, but through character and self-discipline. And I will continue to walk the walk and lead by example.”

“Americans gained an average of 29 pounds during the Covid lockdowns. I will help turn this around by encouraging our citizens to exercise, eat well, and fortify their immune systems by removing harmful chemicals from our food.”

RFK Jr. shared a video where he demonstrates his good physical shape, performing push-ups with ease, and also shares a video doing bench press, showing his dedication to physical activity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Regular physical activity is widely recognised and recommended to all people, regardless of age or physical condition. Physical activity improves cardiovascular and respiratory health, muscle and bone strengthening, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, promoting mental well-being and improving quality of life in general.

“Conversely, we must never allow ourselves to succumb to fear. Fear disables both the immune system and the capacity for critical thought which is key to the survival of democracy. We will restore our health as we reunite our communities and rebuild our nation,” he says.

In addition to these health benefits, physical activity helps improve self-esteem, confidence and the ability to face challenges. By feeling good about yourself physically and mentally, you can have more energy and motivation to perform your tasks and achieve all your goals.

It is important that everyone finds ways to fit physical activity into daily routines, whether through formal exercises in a gym, practising sports, more informal activities such as walking, gardening or dancing. Whatever the choice, it is important that it is fun and that you can do it for a long time, to bring you benefits to your health and well-being.

“So start doing your morning callisthenics everybody. Get yourself in shape for a Kennedy Presidency!", he concluded in a series of shares on the social network Twitter.


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