How lumberjack Thoren Bradley looks and feels so good

Thoren's videos shared mainly on TikTok are, according to his fans, "better than porn". Anyone can stay in excellent physical shape and with greater mental health, and no axe will be needed for that.

8.3 million people follow California's best-known naturalist, they are the ardent followers of Thoren Bradley, who is also known for the Northern California lumberjack, the fitness lumberjack, the prominent hunter in the forest.

Over three years, the 31-year-old athlete is already an online phenomenon. People bite their lips and scream in reaction videos, while Bradley splits a trunk, which at first glance seems almost impossible for a human being.

Thoren Bradley doesn't make these videos because he wants success or fame, it's really his lifestyle. He lives in the forest and he is a hunter-collective.

In an interview given to the British magazine GQ, the viral social media athlete says how his daily life works: "From Monday to Friday I wake up around 5 a.m. Saturday or Sunday, I can postpone it to 5:30. If I get up later, I almost feel like a hangover”, he says.

Start the day with a trip to the bathroom, drink a glass of water, have breakfast, usually eat an egg white omelet "to get some protein synthesis; something very light before I enter the morning cardio."

Thoren spends the day in the mountains and exercise is part of his daily life: "If the weather is good, I'll put a water backpack of about 25 pounds and go out to run on trails and hills for about 30 minutes," he says. He really likes "fishing, hunting and exploration", because this is very "fun".

Living in such an auspicious environment as living in the forest, Bradley reveals that he does not have that much care for his skin, preferring that nature make its way: "I use a basic lotion to moisturize. I use sunscreen. That's pretty much it."

Bradley sees himself as "a fitness model...", however he has a "master's degree in exercise physiology and used to work as a strength and conditioning trainer".

For a naturalist man, what will be the advice he gives to those who want to be in good physical shape? First it will be important to find "an intrinsic motivator", something that is not just to attract a soul mate or to go out in magazines. You should however find "ways to motivate yourself, such as the pleasure of training, or a sense of community, or an improvement in your mental health or function." The second aspect relates to the fitness content that should be consumed, because it is necessary to "be careful with the type of fitness content that" consumes", as Thor exemplifies: "It is possible to look like a professional bodybuilder, but this can be through steroids, or a complete holistic lifestyle of living only in the gym, training and eating all the time. Unless you want to live like this, you shouldn't want to look like this."

Thor reveals that he does not want people to follow him if they feel bad about his mental health or body image. Despite living in the forest and looking healthy, Thor reveals that he has "a big family history of heart problems" and this included that he suffers from "anxiety".

“I eat most of my calories after 5 p.m. But it's not really about intermittent fasting," Bradley reveals. The athlete likes to relax while watching a program on television or working on the computer. Thor's diet is very healthy and quite simple, as it reveals: "I eat potatoes or rice for carbohydrates. I eat a lot of vegetables, because they help me fill me up. Maybe I'll eat, you know, a giant bowl of zucchini and fried vegetables. And then I eat a lot of game meat. So, lean meats like wild boar or deer."

Despite cutting and cracking a lot of firewood, the Californian athlete says he loves the environment where he lives, and the wood he cuts serves as heating the house, in fact, in the mountains this is how the heating of houses is. Thor is not deforesting the forest because he cares "a lot about the ecosystem".

Thor likes his classic American style: "I would describe my style as American from the 1960s and 70s. A lot of jeans. Wrangler's. A lot of Levi's. Talk" and always keep your appearance fresh because you cut your hair "every 10 days".

The athlete reveals that he doesn't like the urban and city environment: "In fact, I've never been to a nightclub. I like small gatherings; just going out and listening to music, drinking some beers and barbecue" and jumping off the cliffs as part of your life in the forest: "It's exciting".


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