The best motivational phrases from the world’s most famous lumberjack Thoren Bradley

Thoren Bradley is an American who lives in the forest zone of northern California, USA, and who has a healthy lifestyle. In addition, his videos cracking firewood are a real success and a phenomenon on social media. Besides all this, the athlete is a great motivational speaker. If he didn’t know, he now got to know another aspect of this athlete.

We have gathered here the best phrases that will inspire you today and in tomorrow’s decisions. All of them were written by Thoren Bradley himself.

  1. Next time somebody tells you an ailment or issue is “all in your head”…kindly remind them that is indeed, likely more of an indicator, that the issue is serious. The mind requires a lot of actual self-work and physochotherapy for healing. The rest of the body does not. #nostigma

  2. Reminder: Choosing a new job, new career, new lifestyle, new love interest or new location to live….requires ZERO time expectation for how long you choose to do it. Loyalty to unhappiness out of fear of admitting it didn’t work out…ain’t it.

  3. Wanna be the outlaw? Stand out? A bad boy? Show the fuck up. 😂 communicate well. Be decisive and tell people what you want out of a relationship.  Vagueness to benefit promiscuity? Everybody doing that. That’s common man shit now.

  4. Helping someone work through their own commitment issues is very kind of you. However, Do not sacrifice the fact that you are ready for commitment in hopes for a behavior shift. Sometimes a wishing well…is really just a hole in the ground.

  5. You’re not just gonna ✨be✨ fine. Or ✨be✨ ok. This system is not built for “ok”. Get help, communicate with somebody, don’t wait until that heart breaks all the way down. Build ok. Build fine. Time does not heal all wounds.

  6. You good? No? Talk to someone. Verbalize that today. You good? Yes? Talk to someone. Find out more about why that is. Speak about your mental health when it’s good too. Teach your brain that it’s never a burden to hold conversation about how you are doing.  Never. A. Burden.

  7. I’m not an extrovert. I’m an introvert who cared more about seeing people I loved get together, knowing I’d have to be the spark. I still get anxiety about it regardless. If this sounds like’s your reminder that it’s not your burden to control HOW they interact

  8. A nurse will quit today, and pursue a brand new career in the middle of life. A teacher will walk out tomorrow, and never work in education again…having to start fresh. You’re not behind. Chase passion and the timeline loses its grip forever.

  9. By definition, a parasite and its host have a relationship. So this is a reminder, the sole pursuit of the longevity of a relationship is not the goal. Lots of horrible things last. Make sure it’s actually for better.

  10. Earth…ain’t even the center of the universe. Stop viewing all things as happening TO you. Most things just happen, your proximity is not always the equivalent to being the epicenter of a trauma. Handle and process without attaching selfishness to the shittyness.

  11. Treating the people with respect that you already agree with is easy. Stop giving yourself so much credit for that. How do you treat someone you don’t necessarily agree with? Remember. Defensive minds never change.

  12. You may be scared to open up, I get it. But if you continue to hide bits of yourself in fear of getting hurt. You’ll live surrounded by relationships that don’t reflect the YOU part.

  13. Every moment you focus on answering other people’s “Y’s” is a moment wasted…a moment that could’ve been invested in your own “W’s”. F*ck the stress about money, stress more about where your time has been going.

  14. Saying something and having something to say…are both very different things. Look for more people who are interested in adding more bricks to their foundation of knowledge….versus the people who want to continuously throw their only brick through the windows of others.

  15. If your friends don’t support you or show up when you need them too. It’s your fault for using that term improperly. Keep asking your dog to meow, let me know how that goes for you.

  16. Everything does not “happen for a reason”. Everything happens. You just fucking decide what the reason becomes for you, after the fact.

  17. For all the times you apologized when you weren’t wrong, just to progress the situation forward....I think you deserve to progress your life forward without that apology from that person who actually was, indeed, wrong.

  18. The term “Fitness” has nothing to do with abs...And everything to do with adequate survival in your environment. So just ask, what’s the environment you’d like to thrive in. Chances are, you may be glorifying a body that doesn’t even live a life you’re half interested in living.

  19. If you just got out of a relationship and you’re overcome with a strong sense of freedom. Please. Before you celebrate. You need to ask why the actual fuck you let yourself remain in a relationship that robbed you of any freedom to begin with. Very Scary.

  20. Just because you can’t hear the clapping or cheering for your success everyday, doesn’t mean you have haters. Most of us want to see you win, we just don’t have time to go to every away game.

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