Royce Dunne: The CrossFit® phenomenon

Royce Dunne, a former AFL and Tennis enthusiast, made a remarkable transition to the world of CrossFit® in 2012, a decision that would ultimately shape his future success in the sport. With a deep-rooted understanding of pushing physical limits garnered from his previous athletic pursuits, Royce ventured into CrossFit® with a fervor that would lead him to establish his own gym in 2014.

Training Regimen

Royce Dunne's dedication to his craft is evident in his rigorous training routine. When asked about his training frequency, Royce shared that he commits to a grueling schedule, often training once a day in a single extensive session lasting 3-4 hours. This unwavering commitment to consistent training has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in his rise within the CrossFit® community.

Supplement Strategy

Navigating a demanding schedule that encompasses both coaching and personal training can be challenging, but Royce Dunne has found a way to optimize his nutrition intake through strategic supplementation. Prioritizing the True All-In-

One supplement, Royce ensures he meets his protein and carbohydrate requirements before and after training sessions, effectively fueling his body for optimal performance. Additionally, Royce incorporates ZMA and Creatine Mono into his nightly routine, leveraging these supplements to enhance recovery and promote restful sleep.

Favorite Supplements

When asked about his go-to supplements, Royce Dunne unequivocally endorses the True All-In-One and ZMA for their instrumental roles in his training regimen. The True All-In-One serves as a versatile solution for meeting his nutritional needs, while ZMA stands out for its contribution to quality sleep and recovery—a testament to Royce's holistic approach to performance enhancement.

In conclusion, Royce Dunne's journey from AFL and Tennis to becoming a prominent figure in the realm of CrossFit® is a testament to his unwavering dedication, strategic training approach, and adept utilization of supplements.

As he continues to excel in this epic sport, Royce serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes looking to push themselves to the next level in pursuit of their fitness goals. goals. goals.


Luca Pasquariello: Optimizing muscle growth and health with plant-based nutrition


High-intensity full-body workout routine for optimal muscle growth