The Life of a New Zealand Bodybuilder: Insights from Paris Theodosiou

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, few stories are as inspiring as that of Paris Theodosiou, a renowned New Zealand bodybuilder who has retired from the competitive stage. As the first guest on the Project INZ podcast, Paris shares his remarkable journey, from his humble beginnings as a shy young man to his impressive accomplishments as a three-time regional champion and national titleholder.

From Rugby to Bodybuilding: Discovering a Passion

Paris' foray into the world of bodybuilding began with a desire to excel in rugby. As a student in the UK, he found himself drawn to the gym culture, where he and his friends would immerse themselves in the latest bodybuilding magazines, dreaming of achieving the physiques of their idols like Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, and Dexter Jackson.

It was during this time that Paris discovered his true passion for bodybuilding, inspired by the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kevin Levrone. He began to shift his focus from rugby to the pursuit of building an impressive physique, driven by the allure of the sport and the sense of accomplishment that came with it.

The Competitive Journey: Titles, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

Over the course of his nine-year competitive career, Paris competed in numerous regional and national bodybuilding events, amassing an impressive collection of titles. He won three regional overalls in open bodybuilding and the WFF Nationals overall title in his final year of competition.

However, Paris' journey was not without its challenges. He openly admits that conditioning was always his Achilles' heel, often struggling to come in as lean as he would have liked. Despite this, he learned valuable lessons about the importance of listening to his body and finding the right balance between pushing himself and respecting his physical limits.

The Evolving Landscape of Bodybuilding: Navigating the Impact of Social Media

As Paris reflects on the current state of the bodybuilding industry, he acknowledges the significant impact of social media. While he recognizes the benefits that social platforms have brought, such as increased accessibility and exposure, he also laments the shift in the industry's focus.

  • Paris believes that the rise of social media has led to a greater emphasis on likes and validation, rather than the deeper meaning and passion that once drove the sport.

  • He notes that the proliferation of "checks for free" on Instagram has diminished the value of sponsorships and contracts, as companies prioritize social media presence over supporting hardworking individuals.

  • Paris also expresses concern about the potential negative impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of those involved in the fitness industry, as the constant pressure to maintain a perfect image can be overwhelming.

Training Principles: Prioritizing Technique, Intensity, and Individualization

When it comes to his training philosophy, Paris emphasizes the importance of mastering proper form and technique before focusing on progressive overload. He believes that controlling the eccentric (negative) portion of each exercise is crucial for muscle growth and development.

Paris also advocates for a more individualized approach to training, recognizing that not all exercises or training methods will work equally well for everyone. He shares his own experiences of modifying traditional lifts, such as the bench press and barbell rows, to better suit his body mechanics and target the desired muscle groups.

  • For Paris, the ideal rep range typically falls between 12-15 reps, with a focus on maintaining control and tempo throughout the movement.

  • He also believes in the power of intensity, encouraging his clients to push themselves to the point of failure, while still maintaining proper form.

  • Paris emphasizes the importance of listening to your body and being willing to adjust your training program as needed, rather than stubbornly sticking to a particular routine.

Nutrition: Balancing Macros, Insulin Sensitivity, and Appetite

When it comes to nutrition, Paris takes a thoughtful and nuanced approach, emphasizing the importance of maintaining insulin sensitivity and respecting the body's natural hunger cues.

During his competitive days, Paris would gradually increase his caloric intake in the offseason, carefully monitoring his body's response to ensure he remained insulin sensitive. He cautions against the old-school mentality of "forcing" excessive food intake, as this can lead to unnecessary fat gain and digestive issues.

  • Paris advocates for a more intuitive approach to nutrition, where the focus is on listening to your body's signals and adjusting your intake accordingly.

  • He suggests incorporating strategies like carb cycling, where higher-carb days are timed around key training sessions, to optimize nutrient partitioning and fuel muscle growth.

  • Paris also emphasizes the importance of finding ways to satisfy cravings and maintain dietary adherence, such as incorporating nutrient-dense fruits and crunchy, salty snacks like nuts.

Mental Health and Fitness: The Powerful Connection

One of the most profound insights Paris shares is the deep connection between mental health and fitness. He believes that the benefits of exercise go far beyond physical transformation, and can have a profound impact on an individual's overall well-being.

Paris has witnessed firsthand how the structure, routine, and sense of accomplishment that comes with regular exercise can be a powerful tool in addressing mental health challenges, such as depression and anxiety. He emphasizes the importance of creating that "anchor" in one's life, where the gym becomes a sanctuary and a means of regaining control.

  • Paris encourages his clients to embrace the mental and emotional aspects of their fitness journey, recognizing that the physical changes are often just the tip of the iceberg.

  • He believes that the act of being present and focused during a workout can help individuals disconnect from the stresses of daily life, fostering a greater sense of mindfulness and well-being.

  • By prioritizing mental health alongside physical fitness, Paris aims to help his clients achieve a more holistic and fulfilling transformation.

As Paris steps away from the competitive bodybuilding stage, he reflects on the valuable lessons he has learned and the profound impact the sport has had on his life. While he may no longer be chasing titles, his passion for fitness and helping others remains unwavering.

Paris' story serves as a testament to the transformative power of bodybuilding, not just in terms of physical transformation, but also in the realm of personal growth, mental health, and the pursuit of excellence. His insights and experiences offer a unique perspective that can inspire and guide aspiring bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike.

By sharing his journey, Paris hopes to encourage others to embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and ultimately, find the same sense of fulfillment and joy that he has discovered through the pursuit of a healthier, stronger, and more balanced life.


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