The 3 exercises that will increase your cardiovascular fitness definitely

Does your cardio routine make you feel bored? So maybe it's time to change your training routine.

"The human body was not designed for conveyor belt training or repetitive and one-dimensional movement," says Dan John, author of "Never Let Go".

Try one of John's three exercises or better yet, all three. You will see your fat explode and your physical shape improve quickly.

Training “55”

Do a body weight squat and 10 push-ups. Rest 30 seconds and then do 2 squats and 9 push-ups. Go working until you reach 10 squats and 1 flexion.

10-metre sprints

Find an area where you can run freely 10 metres. Rest long enough to inhale and exhale once through your nose. Go back to running another 10 metres and take a break again, this time inhaling and exhaling 2 times through the nose. Keep doing this exercise until you can no longer breathe through your nose after a short break.

Pyramid Jumping-Jack

Try to make as many jumps as you can in 10 seconds. Rest a period equal to the number and jumps. Then make as many jumps as possible in 20 seconds and rest for 20 seconds. Make the most jumps in 30 seconds and rest 30 seconds. Once completed, go down the pyramid again 30-20-10. Repeat this exercise three times.


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