Gerard Butler's routine to be in shape (Workouts + Diet)

In the movie "300" it is possible to see actor Gerard Butler in his best possible form, along with his 299 Spartans.

Gerard Butler focuses on keeping his body fat low and, for this, he usually likes to mix his exercise with a lot of cardio. In addition to explosive moments, Butler performs plymetry for the upper body.


Monday: Arms and Arms

He does 7 different arm exercises.

1. Pull-Ups (25 repetitions)

2. Deadlifts (50 repetitions)

3. Pushups (50 repetitions)

4. Box Jumps (50 repetitions)

5. Floor cleaners (50 repetitions)

6. Clean and press (50 repetitions)

7. Pull-Ups (25 repetitions)

Tuesday: Cardio, Legs and Crouchs

He does 7 different exercises.

1. Clothes of one arm (25 repetitions)

2. Rear squats (50 repetitions)

3. Pushups (50 repetitions)

4. Double Unders (50 repetitions)

5. Sit-Ups (50 repetitions)

6. Clean and press (50 repetitions)

7. Clothes of one arm (25 repetitions)

Wednesday: Cardio

He performs a cardio routine focusing on the 7 main exercises.

1. Pullups (25 repetitions)

2. Deadlift Dumbbell (50 repetitions)

3. Pushups (50 repetitions)

4. Body weight squat jumps (50 repetitions)

5. V-Up (50 repetitions)

6. Dumbbell Push Press (50 repetitions)

7. Pullups (25 repetitions)

Thursday: Circuits

Each exercise is performed for a total of 25 repetitions.

1. Body Weight Lines (15 repetitions)

2. Body weight squats (25 repetitions)

3. Pushups (15 repetitions)

4. Jumping Jacks (50 repetitions)

5. Climbers (20 repetitions)

6. Close tightening push-ups (10 repetitions)

7. 15 lines of body weight (15 repetitions)

Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Rest

Gerard Butler's diet

1. Breakfast:

Cottage cheese, avocado, protein shake

2. Lunch:

Olives, Wild Rice, Chicken

3. Snack:

Protein Shake, Apple

4. Dinner:

Fish, Brown Rice, Vegetables, Figs


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