Tyler Hoechlin's training routine that makes him our "Superman"

Tyler Hoechlin is a well-known American actor recognised for his roles in the MTV series "Teen Wolf", "Supergirl" and "Superman & Lois" by The CW. Let's not lie, since Tyler is one of the most coveted and sexy actors in Hollywood right now.

To be in excellent physical shape, Tyler trains 5 days a week, leaving Saturday and Sunday to rest. He starts by training his chest and triceps, legs and calves are for the second day of training. On the third day he trains a little of his whole body.

Tyler has a stretching and cardio routine. The actor does pull-ups, push-ups, air squats and leg lifts. Before starting these strength trainings, he always performs 20 minutes of running and burpees.

In the sports routine, Tyler likes to practice sports like baseball. When he was younger, he won a scholarship to go to Arizona State University.

We do not have the complete guide to the exercises practised by Tyler Hoechlin, however we present some of the exercises that the actor likes to practice in some of his routines.

Chest and Triceps:

  • Bench press with bar

  • Skull crushers

  • Dumbbell press

  • Triceps extensions

  • Cable flies are


  • Dumbbell pest

  • Weighted step-up

  • Wave of hamstrings

  • Caldron augmentation

  • Press of leg

To maintain this physique he has a very healthy and exemplary diet.

1. Breakfast

  • Grains

2. Snack

  • Fruit

  • Nuts

3. Lunch

  • Chicken

  • Salad

4. Dinner

  • Fish


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