Disney will test Chris Hemsworth's physical and mental limits in a new exclusive series

Chris Hemsworth is a well-known and famous actor who plays the Marvel character 'Thor'. The actor presents in every movie in which he participates an excellent physical form, often very enviable by those who would like to have a body as toned as the actor. Chris will now undergo the biggest test of his life and it's Disney's fault.

This new Disney+ exclusive series wants to test the limits of our body, whether physical or mental. For this, Chris Hemsworth will face some of the biggest challenges and fears that the human being is not always able to face. Fear and overcoming make this series an authentic drama that will grab viewers to "Limitless with Chris Hemsworth".

Disney wants to revolutionize its superheroes that we can see in the Marvel Universe. Although the stories of Marvel's little squares are a success, Disney wants to go further by grabbing the actors who play the fans' favorite characters and subject them to new experiences.

"Limitless with Chris Hemsworth" premieres exclusively on Disney+ on November 16.


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