Exclusive Interview with Chandler Smith: The Natural Bodybuilding Phenomenon

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In the world of bodybuilding, few stories are as inspiring as that of Chandler Smith. Transitioning from a collegiate football player at the University of Houston to a natural bodybuilding competitor, Chandler’s journey is a testament to dedication, hard work, and the power of staying true to oneself. Starting his fitness journey on December 31, 2023, Chandler quickly set his sights on his first competition on July 13, 2024. In this exclusive interview with Men’s Fitness, Chandler shares his motivations, challenges, and insights into the world of natural bodybuilding.

© StephenClausiMedia. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Men’s Fitness (MF): Can you tell us a bit about your journey in the world of bodybuilding? When and how did you start

“I’ve been an athlete all my life, playing D1 College football at the University of Houston. After college, I missed the competition, and my friends and family encouraged me to try fitness. This is when I met some fitness influencers, including C Bum. I started to wonder what my body could look like if I pushed it with proper nutrition and effort. My journey began on December 31, 2023, with my first show set for July 13, 2024.”

MF: What motivated you to compete naturally, and what challenges have you faced in maintaining a natural regimen?

“My motivation came from extensive research on PEDs; the risks simply didn’t outweigh the rewards for me. I wanted a true challenge and aimed to compete at the highest level with just pure work ethic and God-given genetics. I also wanted to set an example for those who believe PEDs are necessary to look shredded. I strive to be a positive figure in the fitness community, showing that you can achieve your goals naturally.”

MF: Describe your training routine as you prepare for the Labrada Classic. How does it differ from your regular training?

“This training is quite similar to my first show since the Labrada Classic is only a few weeks after. However, having competed once, I have feedback to improve on. There’s a new hunger inside me, knowing what adjustments I can make to become the best.”

© StephenClausiMedia. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

MF: Nutrition plays a crucial role in bodybuilding. What does your diet look like during competition prep, and how do you ensure you’re getting the right nutrients?

“Nutrition is vital, and my coach, Dan Ibrahim, ensures I have all the resources needed to succeed. All my macros are detailed out for every single meal throughout the day, down to the amount of water I need to drink. Nutrition was the biggest change for me entering this space, but my motto that’s helped me is “stick to the plan” – if it’s not on there, we don’t eat it.”

MF: Mental preparation is as important as physical training. How do you stay focused and motivated, especially as you approach competition day?

My “why” is bigger than myself. My wife, daughter, and son are what get me out of bed every single morning mentally. They need a leader, and I 100% believe that God has called me to lead my family and do hard things. So mentally, I could say I’m tired and don’t want to get up, but when I look at them and remember that it’s not about me and that I have a mission and purpose, it keeps me fueled and ready to execute mentally.”

MF: What are some of the key strategies or tips you’ve learned that have helped you succeed in natural bodybuilding?

“Something huge is that mind-muscle connection. Understanding how to fully engage certain muscle groups so that on stage you know for a fact that they are firing. Also, understanding how to control the weight with pausing reps and 3-5 count negatives. Time under tension is the key.”

© StephenClausiMedia. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

MF: You mentioned aiming to become an IFBB Pro within a year. What specific goals have you set for yourself to achieve this, and how do you plan to reach them?

“I plan on qualifying for a national show at the Labrada Classic and then going for it at nationals. I want to become an IFBB Pro this year and show the fitness community that you don’t even have to be in the sport for long. If you set a goal, put your mind to it, and relentlessly pursue it every day, you WILL make it happen!”

MF: Can you share some insights or advice for aspiring bodybuilders who wish to compete naturally?

“It starts with you looking in the mirror and believing you can do it regardless of outside noise. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” You don’t need PEDs; you need to understand that work ethic, drive, and discipline will need to be at an all-time HIGH 24/7. However, in the end, it will be worth it.”

MF: How do you balance your bodybuilding career with other aspects of your life, such as work, family, and personal time?

“I have the most amazing wife in the world who helps me in this balance. I wake up at 4:00 am to ensure my lifts are done before my family gets up so I don’t take time away from them. Then after work, I intentionally make sure to spend uninterrupted time with my family and plan activities to do together for the weekends. Balance is truly important, and if that means I wake up super early, I’m more than happy to do it.”

© StephenClausiMedia. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

MF: Looking ahead, what are your long-term aspirations in bodybuilding, and how do you see your career evolving over the next few years?

“I see myself becoming an IFBB Pro and then really focusing on chasing that Olympia stage as well as online fitness coaching. I would love to develop a program for all types of people and body types to achieve their personal fitness goals. I also aspire to be on the Olympia stage with the best of the best and compete at the highest level.”

MF: Is there anyone who has particularly inspired you or mentored you in your bodybuilding journey?

“Dan Ibrahim, my coach, 100%. He actually became an IFBB Pro naturally and sparked my passion to do the same. His work ethic, passion, and overall mindset towards the sport are contagious. He wants to and will be the best, and he’s helped me grow so much. Second would have to be Chris Bumstead. He’s the best of the best in this industry, and I want to train like, pose like, and emulate the best. We actually both had daughters close in age this year, so watching him train and navigate fatherhood while still training very hard has been motivating as well.”

MF: Finally, what can fans and followers expect from you in the near future, especially as you prepare for the Labrada Classic and beyond?

“They can expect lots of content documenting the entire journey, as well as lots of tips they can implement in their current lives to help with personal fitness goals. For me to always be 100% authentically me – a family man who puts God at the foundation of my life and tries to get 1% better each and every day. Remember, guys, “Why not me?” You can do anything you put your mind to!”


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