Phodi Papa Adams: A Journey of Dedication and Passion for Fitness

Phodi Papa Adams, a prominent figure in the fitness community, has become an inspiration for many through his dedication to personal health and his role as an online coach. His journey, rooted in early beginnings and consistent effort, reveals the mindset and habits of someone truly committed to fitness.

From a young age, Phodi was drawn to physical activity. While most kids his age were engrossed in video games, Phodi spent his time doing press-ups and sit-ups in his room. His serious fitness journey began at the tender age of 12 when he was allowed into his local gym under parental supervision. By the time he was 14 or 15, he already had 2-3 years of consistent training under his belt. This early start laid a strong foundation for his impressive physique and deep understanding of fitness.

When kids would be playing on an Xbox at 10 or 11 years old, I was doing press-ups and sit-ups in my room. At the age of 12, I was allowed into my local gym (with a parent) and went every opportunity I got. By the age of 14/15, I already had a solid 2-3 years of training under my belt. I always say, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t train,” Phodi shares.

Interestingly, despite his rigorous physical regime, Phodi’s approach to skincare is surprisingly minimalistic. He doesn’t follow a specific skincare routine and has never used any specialized products. Instead, he attributes his clear skin to clean eating, maintaining personal hygiene, and spending time outdoors.

I get asked this question a lot. It makes me laugh because I don’t have one. I’ve never used anything. I eat clean food, I keep myself clean, my body is healthy, and I try and get outside when I can. That’s about it. Sorry if that doesn’t help,” he says.

Phodi’s preference for practical and reliable fitness tools is evident in his choice of the Garmin Fenix 6 Solar watch. He admits that he’s not very tech-savvy but appreciates the watch for its essential features that support his daily activities.

I use the Garmin Fenix 6 Solar. I’m not very techy, and I’m sure there are a lot of features that I don’t use. But, I like it, it does the job. I wear it more or less every day,” Phodi explains.

When it comes to fitness goals, Phodi believes in the possibility of losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, provided the focus is on body composition rather than scale weight.

If you are talking about scale weight, that might not be the best metric to go by. But in my opinion, you can lose fat and put on muscle at the same time, yes,” he asserts.

Phodi’s understanding of happiness is nuanced and reflects his mature outlook on life. He emphasizes the importance of having meaningful relationships and finding purpose in everyday activities.

Happiness is a feeling and emotion; it comes and unfortunately it goes. Does ‘truly happy’ mean you can never feel sad? Does it mean you look happy to everyone else but are not being true to yourself? I am happy in my life because I have great people around me, I am doing things that give me purpose, and I know I help and benefit other people. However, that doesn’t mean everything is sunshine and rainbows because life just doesn’t work like that. Enjoy the highs, understand the lows,” Phodi reflects.

Phodi is also critical of the traditional fitness industry terms like “cutting” and “bulking,” preferring a more balanced approach to nutrition and weight management.

I don’t like the terms cutting and bulking. Of course, I understand what they mean, but in my opinion, it just gives too many connotations to unnecessary concepts that the fitness industry has made up as so-called facts. You can definitely put on weight and eat solid whole foods at the same time, yes,” he shares.

Even though Phodi doesn’t have any competitions coming up, he values the importance of having a coach to bring a fresh perspective and new methodologies to his training regime. His coach, Jonathan Pain from Omnia Performance, exemplifies this approach.

I haven’t got any competitions or events coming up, so I can just do what I want to do. I haven’t been on a program that someone else has written for a long time. As an individual, you can get stuck in your ways/methods of training and programming. So for me, it is a great opportunity to understand someone else’s thought pattern. My coach is Jonathan Pain with Omnia Performance. These guys have been there and done it, especially when it comes to this ‘hybrid’ way of training. Fergus Crawley is a walking example of this, so why not take the opportunity to be coached by some of the best in the game? I love training, not having to think about my own sessions, just seeing them on my phone going into the gym and doing it. I have missed this so much,” Phodi elaborates.

Phodi’s nutritional strategy is based on listening to his body and adjusting his intake according to his physical activity levels. He emphasizes simplicity and consistency in his diet.

“I eat based on my output and how my body is feeling. If my output is high, I make sure my input is high. I really try and keep it simple. I have been learning how my body reacts to food and training for years and years. So it comes like second nature now,” he says.

As for his favorite food, Phodi’s Greek Cypriot heritage plays a significant role. He has a deep love for traditional Greek cuisine, particularly chicken souvlaki, Greek salad, and rice.

You can’t beat the Greeks. We do it the best. I’m Greek Cypriot if you didn’t know. A chicken souvlaki, a Greek salad, some rice. I have lived on this since I was a child. No, it doesn’t get boring,” he declares.

Balancing personal life and fitness goals can be challenging, but Phodi believes in understanding what you want from life and dealing with things as they come.

A lot of my life is based around fitness so more often than not, they coincide. However, I can get wrapped up in fitness and bury my head in the sand with personal life. I can spend too much time on Instagram and think I’m not where I should be because there is some 18-year-old kid buying a Bugatti on my explore page. I can focus only on work and training and think no one in my personal life is relevant. I have done all of these things multiple times. Genuinely, life is about understanding what you want from it. It can be overwhelming (that’s not a bad thing), and it’s definitely not always an upwards trajectory. That being said, be where your feet are, deal with the things you can deal with, and if you can’t do anything about it, why stress about it in the first place,” Phodi advises.

As an online coach, Phodi aims to help people achieve a balance between looking like a bodybuilder and moving like an athlete. His goal is to blend aesthetics with functional fitness, ensuring his clients not only look great but also feel and perform their best.

Phodi Papa Adams continues to inspire his followers with his practical approach to fitness, balanced lifestyle, and dedication to helping others achieve their best selves. His insights reflect a deep understanding of both the physical and mental aspects of fitness, making him a standout figure in the health and wellness community.


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