That boy from BBC's 'Baby Faced Bodybuilders' is now huge!

“At eight o'clock in the morning, I'm going to eat fish and a rice cake. At 10 o'clock, I'm going to eat fish. At 12 o’clock, I’m going to eat fish and a rice cake. At two o'clock, I'm going to eat fish. At four o'clock - just before I train - I'm going to eat fish and a rice cake. I'm going to train, I'm going to catch fish. I'm going to go back home, eat more fish, with a rice cake and then eat more fish before going to bed," said Danny Andrews at the age of 16.

"People ask if I was sponsored by Captain Birdseye. People made memes and remixes on YouTube, also Scott Mills used to play it weekly, he even talked to Jake Gyllenhaal about it," Andrews told LADBible.

At the age of 29, he is not only eating eight meals of fish cakes and rice. Danny says he doesn't even like fish.

"My diet was just that for the last two weeks before my show - I really don't like fish," he explained.

"Instead of saying that I have eight fish meals a day, and every other meal I have a rice cake, I was trying to work out the schedules."

"So it makes me look absolutely stupid, fitting into the stereotype of the typical bodybuilder."


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