The intelligent training of elite CrossFit athlete Josh Bridge

The intelligent training of elite CrossFit athlete Josh Bridge, a former U.S. Navy SEAL and six-time CrossFit Games athlete, shared one of his sessions on the Morning Chat Up website.

“Breathe in the burpees, hold on to large sets in uninterrupted cleaning/fuck [and] regain your grip in the race,” Bridge said.

Warm Up

3 Rounds:

15m bear crawl

5 inch worm and press-up

5 burpee with high jump

15m duck walk

Workout (For Time), 21-15-9 Reps:

Bar Facing Burpee

Barbell Power Cleans (42.5kg/30kg) or Dumbbell Power Cleans (22.5kg/15kg)

400m Run

Time cap: 15 minutes

Cool Down, 2 Rounds

Child’s Pose: 60 secs

Pigeon Stretch: 30 secs per side


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