How Ben Affleck got in shape to be Batman

The first thing you will notice about the Dark Knight in Batman v. Superman is the one who grew up in stature, muscle and armor.

"I knew that a large part of the audience's expectation around the role would be how I was physically," Affleck told Men's Journal. "And this was something over which I had some control. If I were to fail in this role, I wouldn't let it be in a way that could have been avoided if I had worked harder."

Here is a two-day glimpse of the exercises Norton created for Affleck as part of his two-year training program. However, you may not want to try this alone and ask for the help of a professional.

Day 1:

Block 1 (32 minutes): Warm-up & Movement

  • Elliptical (Strength Program): 15 minutes

  • Rumble Roller (Hip/TFL/VMO/2 Way Glute/Calf): 9 minutes

  • Plank with Arm Extension: 10 seconds (then 8 reps of 2-second extension for each side)

  • Spiderman: From a plank, bring you right foot next to your right hand. 3 reps for each side (hold for 2 breaths)

  • Inchworm: From touching your toes with straight legs, walk your hands out to a plank, then walk your feet back under you, 5 reps (hold for 1 breath)

  • Calf Stretch: 15 seconds (each leg)

Block 2 (40 minutes): Torso & Strength

  • Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk: 4 walks with appropriate weight for 1 minute

  • Alternating Hanging Knee-Up: 11 reps (for each leg)

  • ½ Kneeling Row: Kneel on your right knee in front of a cable machine, row with your right arm, 4 sets of 12 reps on each side

  • Back Bridge: 2 reps of 15 second hold (5-second pause between)

  • Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunge: 8 reps (for each leg)

  • Pull-Up: 6 sets of 4 reps (hold for 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down)

  • Shoulder Bridge: 10-second hold (then 8 reps of 2-second extension for each side)

Block 3 (22 minutes / Doing As Many Sets As Possible): Strength & Fitness

  • Airdyne Bike Sprint: 20 seconds

  • V-Grip Pulldown: 15 reps

  • Seated Row Handle Grip: 12 reps

  • Alternating Dumbbell Open Curl: 5 sets of 5 reps (each arm, then 5 reps together)

  • Goblet Squat: 8 reps

  • Lateral Squat: 6 reps (each side)

Day 2:

Block 1 (30 minutes): Warm-up & Movement

  • Airdyne Bike Sprint: 10 reps of 5 minutes at 75% (finish with 15-second sprint, then 45-second rest)

  • Soft Roller (Upper Back/Lat/Quad/Glute/Ham Junction): 8 minutes

  • Brettzel Stretch: 2 reps for each side (hold for 5 breaths)

  • Kneeling Lat: 1 rep each side (hold for 5 breaths)

  • ½ Kneeling Quad Stretch: 2 reps for each side (hold for 5 breaths)

  • Brettzel: 2 reps for each side (hold for 5 breaths)

Block 2 (32 minutes): Torso & Strength

  • Off-Bench Oblique Side Crunch: 8 reps dynamic (followed with hold for 8 seconds)

  • Valslide Body Slide: 4 sets of 12 reps

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 4 sets of 12 reps

  • Back Bridge with March: Hold bridge for 8 seconds (then 4 knee raises on each leg)

  • Dumbbell Shrug: 5 sets of 6 reps

  • Rear Delt Machine: 4 sets of 15 reps

  • 1 Leg Hip Lift: 3 sets of 8 reps for each side (hold for 2 seconds)

  • Tricep Pushdown: 4 sets of 10 heavy reps, then 10 lighter reps

Block 3 (36 minutes): Strength

  • Dumbbell Deadlift: 4 sets of 6 reps

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 10 reps (count 3 seconds from up to down position)

  • Pec Fly: 4 sets of 12 reps

  • Ball Leg Curl: 4 sets of 6 reps (hold for 2 seconds)


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