Men with big noses have a big penis

According to a study conducted by the Kyoto University of Medicine in Japan, there is a significant correlation between the size of the nose and the size of the penis.

The researchers of the study found that men with larger noses had a "longer penis length" of at least 13.4 centimeters, while men with smaller noses had a penis length of 10.4 centimeters.

The team came to this conclusion by observing the corpses of 126 men three days after death, by measuring different parts of the body. After taking into account several factors, such as height, weight and the measurement of the penis, the authors of the study calculated the 'length of the stretched penis of each corpse'. For the measurement, the experts had to pull the penis up as much as possible.

“O facto do tamanho do nariz estar relacionado com o tamanho do pénis ‘esticado’ indica que o comprimento do mesmo pode não ser determinado pela idade, altura ou peso corporal, mas já foi determinado pelo nascimento.”, complete the study.


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