Do you want to get rid of bad breath? The tips to have a fresh and odorless breath

Having bad breath is not exactly something very pleasant. Do you chew an elastic tablet? Suck a menthol candy? Brush your teeth? Although they are solutions, they are not lasting. Who says it is the academic Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

The problem with bad breath? Volatile sulfur compounds. Scientists have already come to say that it is these substrates that lead to bad breath.

Volatile sulfur compounds arise due to gum diseases, mouth infections and inside pockets and clefts in the teeth. However, the main problem is your language. Due to all its cracks and grooves, the tongue allows to house many microorganisms that lead to volatile sulfur compounds.

A study by scientists from Japan concludes that the lining of the tongue is responsible for the greatest impact on the production of volatile sulfur compounds in people's mouths. Your mouth tends to smell worse in the morning, due to the accumulation of bacteria responsible for the bad smell at night.

What to do to fight bad breath?

  1. Rub your tongue

    Scrape your tongue from back to front. This technique is more effective than simply washing your tongue.

    In comparison, rubbing the tongue with a scraper reduces by 42% the compounds that produce bad breath, compared to those who brush the tongue, which reduces only 33%.

  2. Brush your teeth and use dental floss twice a day

    Brushing your teeth is very important to avoid the accumulation of bacteria in the teeth.

    The use of dental floss is also very important, as it removes all the small debris between the teeth and gums responsible for bad breath.

    Gingivitis and periodontitis are two gum diseases that can lead to bad breath. A regular consultation with the dentist is highly advised and recommended.

  3. Moisturize your mouth regularly

    With dry mouth, dead cells accumulate on the tongue, gums and cheeks. Once there is not enough saliva to wash it, they begin to decompose and cause bad breath.


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