The diet that makes The Rock a reference in the world of representation and Hollywood

From the top of his 1m95, he began his acting career in 1998 with a small role and then played a supporting role in 2001. After 2003, he will play the main and supporting roles in the films we all know: Fast and Furious, No pain, no gain, Hercules... only films that incorporate characters with big arms.

To achieve the physique in which he spent most of his life, Johnson must religiously adhere to a training program and a strict diet. followed all the movements of the box office giant for 24 hours. Getting lost in your trail was tiring.

"In terms of diet, I usually eat five meals a day. I'm very organized, everything is planned in advance. Everything is measured according to my training. Normally, I start my day with a steak and protein pancakes with oatmeal for breakfast," he explains. "Chicken, steak, egg whites, oats, broccoli, rice, asparagus, baked potatoes, salad, peppers, mushrooms, onions, as well as whey protein and casein powder are the other basic foods in my diet."

Instead of following the many training routines that have made their way over the years, he prefers to follow the models of former bodybuilders, who lifted heavy loads regularly.

"I train six days a week, usually in the morning. But, depending on my schedule, I can also train at night. But I definitely prefer it in the morning. I work divided: I separate the different parts of the body: legs, back, shoulders, pectorals, biceps and triceps. I use bars, pulleys, dumbbells and machines."

"My training changes and I constantly adapt, but most of the time, I do 4 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with a rest time of 60 to 90 seconds. I don't go to the room for fun, I always try to work as much as possible, to the maximum of my skills.”

  • Meals 1

280 g of Steak

180 g of Oatmeal

3 Egg whites

Multivitamin juice (1 glass)

  • Meals 2

220 g of chicken

400 g of rice

100 g of broccoli

100 g of Mushrooms

  • Meals 3

220 g of cod

200 g of Asparagus

400 g of rice

  • Meals 4

220 g of chicken

400 g Baked potato

100 g of broccoli

Orange juice (1 glass)

  • Meals 5

220 g of cod

200 g of Asparagus

400 g of rice

  • Meals 6

220 steak

400 g of potato

Salad at will

  • Meals 7

30 g of Protein powder (casein or whey)

10 Egg whites


The diet that Chris Hemsworth used for the role of "Thor"


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