How to have monster shoulders

Enlarge the upper part of your body is the best way to make your waist thinner. These four exercises that we show you will explode with your shoulders to a monster level.

1. Modified handstand pushup

* Get into pushup position, resting your feet on a bench or boxes

* Walk your hands back so that your butt points up in the air and your torso forms a straight line

* Lower your body as far as you can or until your head touches the floor

* Do these after your main lift of the day using multiple sets of low reps, and treat the exercise like skill practice—do every rep perfectly and with control

* When your form starts to break down, stop

2. Lever press

* Wedge the end of a barbell into a corner and load the opposite end with a weight plate

* Hold the tip of the bar in your right hand with your left leg forward

* From there, press the bar straight overhead, twisting your torso to the left

* Do two or three sets of eight to 12 on each arm

3. Muscle and clean press

* Hold a barbell with a shoulder-width grip in front of your thighs

* Use momentum—but don’t bend your hips—to row the bar up in front of your body, raising your upper arms until parallel with the floor

* Let the force you generated help you to quickly flip your forearms and press the bar overhead

* Work up to two heavy sets of five to eight reps

4. Dumbbell clean and press

* Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

* Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend at the hips so the weights lower to just above your knees

* Explosively extend your hips and knees and “shrug,” powerfully pulling the weights up to chest level

* Then flip your wrists over so that the momentum carries the dumbbells to shoulder level

* Press the weights overhead

* Try these as your main lift of the day, and do two to four sets of five to eight reps


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