“Ronald McDonald” got in shape. Follow Rob McElhenney's training and diet

Rob McElhenney plays the role of Ronald McDonald in the hit series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". How did the actor go from a normal physique to being super defined?

“I’m gonna break it down for you, because it’s actually quite simple, and anybody can do this. Anybody on the planet can do this. First thing’s first: if you have a job like a 9-5 job, quit that. Do you like food? Forget about that. Because you’re never going to enjoy anything you eat. Alcohol? Sorry. That’s out.”

Rob McElhenney has advised people that are determined to get in shape to stop their regular 9-5 job because it gets in the way to get a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to his workout routine he hits the gym around 6 times each week. 

Workout Routine

  • Monday: Push Day

On Monday, Rob McElhenney hits a push routine by doing a total of 7 exercises with an average of 5 sets. 

Here is Rob McElhenney’s push routine: 

1. Bench Press (5 sets, 15 reps)

2. Bench Press (1 set to failure)

3. Seated Shoulder Press (3 sets, 25 reps) 

4. Weighted Tricep Dips (3 sets, 30 reps) 

5. Standing Cable Crossovers (5 sets, 50 reps) 

6. Cable Tricep Extensions (5 sets, 50 reps) 

7. Seated Dumbbell Raises (5 sets, 50 reps) 

  • Tuesday: Pull Day

On Tuesday, McElhenney performs a pull routine. 

Here is Rob McElhenney’s pull routine: 

1. Barbell Deadlifts (5 sets, 10 reps) 

2. Barbell Deadlifts (until failure)

3. Weighted Chin-Ups (3 sets, 25 reps) 

4. Chest Supported Rows (3 sets, 30 reps) 

5. Shrugs (5 sets, 50 reps) 

6. Standing Barbell Curls (5 sets, 50 reps) 

7. Standing Cable Reverse Fly (5 sets, 50 reps) 

  • Wednesday: Leg Day

On Wednesday, he hits a legs routine by doing a total of 7 different exercises.

Here is Rob McElhenney’s legs routine: 

1. Back Squat (5 sets, 15 reps) 

2. Back Squat (1 set to failure)

3. Barbell Good Mornings (3 sets, 25 reps) 

4. Leg Press (3 sets, 30 reps) 

5. Reverse Hyperextension (5 sets, 50 reps) 

6. Seated Leg Curl (5 sets, 50 reps) 

7. Seated Calf Raise (5 sets, 50 reps9 

  • Thursday: Push Day

On Thursday, he hits another push routine. 

Here is Rob McElhenney’s push routine: 

1. Standing Overhead Press (5 sets, 15 reps)

2. Standing Overhead Press (1 set to failure)

3. Incline Bench Press (3 sets, 25 reps) 

4. Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets, 30 reps)

5. Seated Machine Fly (5 sets, 50 reps)

6. Standing Tricep Pushdown (5 sets, 50 reps)

7. Standing Cable Lateral Raises (5 sets, 50 reps) 

  • Friday: Pull Day

On Friday, McElhenney hits another pull routine by doing a total of 7 different exercises with an average of 5 sets. 

Here is Rob McElhenney’s pull routine: 

1. Barbell Snatch Grip Deadlift (5 sets, 15 reps) 

2. Barbell Snatch Grip Deadlift (1 set to failure) 

3. Barbell Rows (3 sets, 25 reps)

4. Weighted Pull-Ups (3 sets, 30 reps)

5. Single Arm Rows (5 sets, 50 reps) 

6. Incline Dumbell Curl (5 sets, 50 reps)

7. Seated Machine Reverse Fly (5 sets, 50 reps) 

  • Saturday: Leg Day

On Sunday, McElhenney hits another leg routine by doing a total of 7 different exercises.

Here is Rob McElhenney’s legs routine: 

1. Front Squat (5 sets, 15 reps) 

2. Front Squat (1 set to failure) 

3. Romanian Deadlifts (3 sets, 25 reps) 

4. Barbell Hip Thrusts (3 sets, 30 reps) 

5. Romanian Deadlifts (25 reps) 

6. Dumbbell Lunges (5 sets, 50 reps)

7. Seated Leg Extensions (5 sets, 50 reps)

8. Hanging Leg Raises (5 sets, 50 reps) 

  • Sunday: Rest

On Sunday, Rob McElhenney rests.


  • Breakfast



  • Snack 

    Protein shake

  • Lunch 

    Chicken breast

    Brown rice

    Leafy greens

  • Snack


    Protein shake

  • Dinner 

    Whatever his chef prepares


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