Celebrity coach says that physical exercise helps increase natural testosterone

In a post shared on his social networks, Alex Carneiro, a fitness model and coach of famous celebrities, disclosed how it is possible to maintain high levels of natural testosterone. All this through physical exercise, as he disclosed.

1- Increase Vitality

“Regular exercise, especially resistance training, plays a crucial role in raising natural testosterone levels. When you engage in intense physical activity, such as weightlifting or HIIT workouts, your body experiences a surge in anabolic hormones like growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). These hormones stimulate muscle growth and help optimize testosterone production. Plus, the mechanical stress placed on your muscles during resistance training triggers a release of cytokines and myokines, signaling molecules that enhance hormonal balance, leading to increased energy levels, improved mood, and enhanced overall vitality”

2. Enhance Libido

“The link between exercise and enhanced libido is multifaceted and scientifically supported. Physical activity boosts blood circulation throughout your body, including to the 🍆 region, promoting better sexual function. Additionally, engaging in regular exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which are known to enhance mood and reduce stress. These positive psychological effects, combined with the rise in testosterone levels resulting from exercise, contribute to an improved libido and sexual performance.”

3. Boost Confidence

“Exercise not only transforms your physical appearance but also has a profound impact on your mental well-being and confidence. When you work out, your body releases endorphins, neurotransmitters that act as natural mood elevators. These endorphins create a sense of well-being, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost your overall mood. Additionally,regular exercise leads to increased testosterone production, which has been linked to enhanced assertiveness and self-assurance”.

“Don't let age hold you back! By incorporating regular resistance training and physical activity into your routine, you create an environment conducive to optimal testosterone production”, he says.


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